Easilite: Lighting at Your Fingertips, Intelligently.

Indigo Energy’s groundbreakingly LED Light Control System. Crafted with precision, this innovation transforms your lighting into an intelligent symphony. Compatible with nearly all luminaries in the Indigo Energy collection, Easilite offers unrivaled control. Effortlessly tweak hues, adjust brightness, and choreograph dynamic lighting displays through an intuitive interface. Illuminate your space in harmony with the moment, whether it’s a vibrant burst of energy or a tranquil glow for relaxation. Easilite by Indigo Energy redefines the art of lighting control, providing a tailored, intelligent ambiance for every occasion. Welcome to a future where your light, your way.

  • Smart Lighting
  • Each Easilite can only be linked to one network
  • Up to 127 Easilite Modules on your Network
  • Dimming Method
  • Trailing-edge Phase Control
  • Cross Platforming on Devices